20 research outputs found

    Neural Networks for Predicting Algorithm Runtime Distributions

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    Many state-of-the-art algorithms for solving hard combinatorial problems in artificial intelligence (AI) include elements of stochasticity that lead to high variations in runtime, even for a fixed problem instance. Knowledge about the resulting runtime distributions (RTDs) of algorithms on given problem instances can be exploited in various meta-algorithmic procedures, such as algorithm selection, portfolios, and randomized restarts. Previous work has shown that machine learning can be used to individually predict mean, median and variance of RTDs. To establish a new state-of-the-art in predicting RTDs, we demonstrate that the parameters of an RTD should be learned jointly and that neural networks can do this well by directly optimizing the likelihood of an RTD given runtime observations. In an empirical study involving five algorithms for SAT solving and AI planning, we show that neural networks predict the true RTDs of unseen instances better than previous methods, and can even do so when only few runtime observations are available per training instance

    Efficient Benchmarking of Algorithm Configuration Procedures via Model-Based Surrogates

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    The optimization of algorithm (hyper-)parameters is crucial for achieving peak performance across a wide range of domains, ranging from deep neural networks to solvers for hard combinatorial problems. The resulting algorithm configuration (AC) problem has attracted much attention from the machine learning community. However, the proper evaluation of new AC procedures is hindered by two key hurdles. First, AC benchmarks are hard to set up. Second and even more significantly, they are computationally expensive: a single run of an AC procedure involves many costly runs of the target algorithm whose performance is to be optimized in a given AC benchmark scenario. One common workaround is to optimize cheap-to-evaluate artificial benchmark functions (e.g., Branin) instead of actual algorithms; however, these have different properties than realistic AC problems. Here, we propose an alternative benchmarking approach that is similarly cheap to evaluate but much closer to the original AC problem: replacing expensive benchmarks by surrogate benchmarks constructed from AC benchmarks. These surrogate benchmarks approximate the response surface corresponding to true target algorithm performance using a regression model, and the original and surrogate benchmark share the same (hyper-)parameter space. In our experiments, we construct and evaluate surrogate benchmarks for hyperparameter optimization as well as for AC problems that involve performance optimization of solvers for hard combinatorial problems, drawing training data from the runs of existing AC procedures. We show that our surrogate benchmarks capture overall important characteristics of the AC scenarios, such as high- and low-performing regions, from which they were derived, while being much easier to use and orders of magnitude cheaper to evaluate

    Auto-Sklearn 2.0: The Next Generation

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    Automated Machine Learning, which supports practitioners and researchers with the tedious task of manually designing machine learning pipelines, has recently achieved substantial success. In this paper we introduce new Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) techniques motivated by our winning submission to the second ChaLearn AutoML challenge, PoSH Auto-sklearn. For this, we extend Auto-sklearn with a new, simpler meta-learning technique, improve its way of handling iterative algorithms and enhance it with a successful bandit strategy for budget allocation. Furthermore, we go one step further and study the design space of AutoML itself and propose a solution towards truly hand-free AutoML. Together, these changes give rise to the next generation of our AutoML system, Auto-sklearn (2.0). We verify the improvement by these additions in a large experimental study on 39 AutoML benchmark datasets and conclude the paper by comparing to Auto-sklearn (1.0), reducing the regret by up to a factor of five

    Auto-Sklearn 2.0: Hands-free AutoML via Meta-Learning

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    Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) supports practitioners and researchers with the tedious task of designing machine learning pipelines and has recently achieved substantial success. In this paper, we introduce new AutoML approaches motivated by our winning submission to the second ChaLearn AutoML challenge. We develop PoSH Auto-sklearn, which enables AutoML systems to work well on large datasets under rigid time limits by using a new, simple and meta-feature-free meta-learning technique and by employing a successful bandit strategy for budget allocation. However, PoSH Auto-sklearn introduces even more ways of running AutoML and might make it harder for users to set it up correctly. Therefore, we also go one step further and study the design space of AutoML itself, proposing a solution towards truly hands-free AutoML. Together, these changes give rise to the next generation of our AutoML system, Auto-sklearn 2.0. We verify the improvements by these additions in an extensive experimental study on 39 AutoML benchmark datasets. We conclude the paper by comparing to other popular AutoML frameworks and Auto-sklearn 1.0, reducing the relative error by up to a factor of 4.5, and yielding a performance in 10 minutes that is substantially better than what Auto-sklearn 1.0 achieves within an hour

    Mind the Gap: Measuring Generalization Performance Across Multiple Objectives

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    Modern machine learning models are often constructed taking into account multiple objectives, e.g., minimizing inference time while also maximizing accuracy. Multi-objective hyperparameter optimization (MHPO) algorithms return such candidate models, and the approximation of the Pareto front is used to assess their performance. In practice, we also want to measure generalization when moving from the validation to the test set. However, some of the models might no longer be Pareto-optimal which makes it unclear how to quantify the performance of the MHPO method when evaluated on the test set. To resolve this, we provide a novel evaluation protocol that allows measuring the generalization performance of MHPO methods and studying its capabilities for comparing two optimization experiments